

UNDERSTANDING ARCHITECTURE Architecture is the science and art of planning and designing the built environment (artifacts), starting from the scope of the macro such as planning and design of cities, regions, environments, and landscaping to the micro scope such as planning and design of buildings, interiors, furniture, and products.  In a narrow sense, architecture is often interpreted as the science and art of building planning and design.  In another sense, the term "architecture" is often also used to replace the term "results of the design process". If the science and art of planning and designing the built environment (artifact) is called "architecture", people who have expertise and are involved in the field are called "architects".  So, the architect is a person who has expertise and is involved in the science and art of planning and designing the built environment (artifacts) such as urban and regional planning and design, the environmen...


Nama: Tri Puja Kusuma Nama Julukan:   Puja Kesuma ( Putra Jawa Kelahiran Sumatera ) Tempat, tanggal lahir: Demak, 4 Oktober 1999 Alamat : - Green Diamond 1 No.20B, Jl. Daan Mogot Km.10 Kawasan Green Mansion, Kedaung Kali Angke, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11710 - Komplek MD Futsal No.25B, Jl. H. Djairi, RT.4/RW.2 Rawa Buaya, Kecamatan Cengkareng, Kota Jakarta Barat, Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta 11740 - Gang Macan No.6, Jl. Kauman RT.7/RW.2 Harjowinangun, Kecamatan Dempet, Kabupaten Demak, Jawa Tengah 59573 -  Jl. Swadaya, No.8B RT.2/RW.1 Gondang Rejo, Kecamatan Pekalongan, Kabupaten Lampung Timur, Lampung 34391 Jenis kelamin: Laki-laki Tinggi badan: 169cm Berat badan: 62kg Golongan darah: B Hobi: Olahraga Pekerjaan: Architect WhatsApp: +62 81345725175 Email:  p Line: puja_archi04 Telegram: @pujakesuma04 Instagram: puja_kesuma04 Facebook: Puja Kesuma Twitter: pujakusuma04 YouTube: Puja Ke...